Canival 退改政策

– 距出发日期121天前取消:扣除 $0
– 距出发日期120-76天内取消:扣除订金。120 – 76 Nights,Deduct deposit amount
– 距出发日期 75-46天内取消:扣除总票价50%每人。75 – 46 Nights,Deduct deposit or 50% of total fare, whichever is greater
– 距出发日期 45-31天内取消:扣除总票价75%每人。45 – 31 Nights,Deduct deposit or 75% of total fare, whichever is greater
– 距出发日期 30天内取消:扣除总票价100%每人。30 Nights or less,Deduct 100% of total fare
* “总票价”是您预订时应支付给我们的总金额 ‘Total fare’ is the total amount payable to us for your booking.
* 请注意,促销票价可能有不同的取消和退款条件, 请确保您在预订时检查这些 Please note, promotional fares may have different cancellation and refund conditions. Please ensure you check these at time of booking