悉尼 ○ 1天 超值雪山遊 (賞雪推介)

悉尼 ○ 1天 超值雪山遊 (賞雪推介)
产品编号:01SN01-PV2404 悉尼
出发日期:2024-06-10开始 周五,六
SKU: 01SN01-PV2404 分类: , 分享按钮


超值雪山1天遊 (賞雪推介)

晚上於指定時間及地點集合,乘坐豪華旅游巴出發前往雪山。早上抵達雪山後,由專業導遊協助下租用雪具。在Smiggin Holes 滑雪場或 Perisher Blue滑雪場。在美麗雪山上自由滑雪和賞雪,亦可自費乘坐火車欣賞壯麗的雪山景色,下午4時準時離開滑雪場,並帶著開心的回憶乘車返回悉尼,晚上11時30分到達悉尼。
Depart for the snowy mountains in the evening. Upon arrival in the morning, a professional tour guide will fit you for snow equipment. Experience the snow or discover the scenery on a train ride at your own expense. Depart from the mountains at 4pm.


  1. Straithfield Station (Everton Road) / 23:00
  2. City 悉尼唐人街-假日酒店門口(78 Harbour Street) / 23:15
  3. Hurstville 华英小厨门口(186 Forest Rd, Hurstville)/
★ 注1:上车地点和时间可能会改变,以最终电子单确认为准。
★ 注2:旅行当天请您至少提前10分钟抵达集合点上车,如因旅客迟到或未到而造成的行程取消,有您自行承担,概不退款。

  1. 年龄限制: 未满18岁的游客须由一名18岁以上游客陪同; 预订时注明您的联系信息和上车地点;
  2. 为了保障卫生,雪山酒店不允许客人自带食物和酒水,否则酒店将收取BYO费用
  3. 凡參加本滑雪团必須通过组团社租借任何滑雪用具,否則收取每人$50之成本費,自备雪具之团友亦將被收取每套$20托运费。All snow gear and equipment must be hired through Premier Vacations as part of a group. Any person independently hiring ski/snowboard equipment by themselves will incur a $50 surcharge. Any person who bring their own ski/snow-board equipment will be charged$20 per set for storage and handling. 
  4. 所有團隊以入住Berridale及Cooma為主,如房間客滿或行程需要,本社將視乎情況安排入住其它遍遠地區,導遊只於當天確認客人。所有行程本公司保留調改之權利,銷售至另行通知。Tour will accommodated in Berridale and Cooma as the primary option. Should the standard accommodation be unavailable for any reason,similar accommodation will be provided and confirmation given on the day of the tour.
  5. 因私人原因、天氣、災難或其他人力不可抗拒的因素等所引起的額外費用本公司不承擔任何責任。We and Tour Operator(Premier Vacations) will not be responsible for any costs incurred due to personal、weather、natural causes or any other circumstance beyond our control.
  6. 强烈建议购买以确保个人权益。凡涉及酒店, 餐馆和景点的责任由第三方服务商承担责任, 本公司不承担任何由此而给游客带来的损失,将尽力协助游客处理相关事项;We recommend all tr avelers purchase insurance.
  7. 旅行当天请您至少提前15分钟抵达集合点上车,如因旅客迟到或未到而造成的行程取消,有您自行承担,概不退款。

– 大小同价: $169
*小費及雪山門票成人S25 / 小童S15 Excluding Tippings and National Park ticket.

预定 请联系客服查询下单


✔ 费用包含:  
  1. 豪华空调巴士接送
  2. 华裔司机导游(广东话,普通话) Professional Chinese speaking tour guide (Cantonese, Mandarin)
✘ 费用不含: 
  1. 行程表中注明的自费项目 Optionals: as mentioned per itinerary
  2. 雪场活动,租用雪具,乘吊车,租用滑雪服等 Snow Activities: Equipment Hire, Cable Car…
  3. 个人旅游保险(强烈建议购买以确保个人权益)We recommends all travelers purchase insurance.
  4. 小費及雪山門票成人S25/小童S15 Excluding Tippings and National Park ticket.
  5. 因私人原因、天气、灾难或其他人力不可抗拒的因素等所引起的额外費用Note: We / Premier Vacations will not be responsible for any costs incurred due to personal, weather, natural causes or any other circumstance beyond our control


  1. 出发前11天以上取消:每位扣团费50% Cancellation 10 days before departure,Deduct 50% of full payment。
  2. 出发前10天之内取消:每位扣团费100%  Cancellation within 7 days non refundable。